People with ​Alzheimer's, other dementias, and brain disorders may become nervous and irritable due to their loss of memory and/or hands-on ability. Below are a variety of fidget gift items available that can provide interesting activities and touches. These gifts can keep their hands busy, relieve emotions, reduce loneliness, and allow them to exercise their independence.

Important:  For Alzheimer's disease, some therapeutic activities may be better suited than others, depending on which stage of the disease your loved one is experiencing. Read article "Therapeutic Activities for 3 Main Stages of Alzheimer's disease".

Instructions for shopping products below: Select the product image link or the text link under the image. A new window opens and takes you directly to the product's page where you can see more details, add to cart, and purchase if desired.  

Fidget Blanket Multifunction
Improve Dressing Skills


Relish Fidget Widget Wooden Sensory Tool Kit



Fidget Apron Special Sensory Activity Improves Dexterity and Provides Cognitive Exercise



Sensory Ball Toy to Improve Finger Flexibility & Soothe Mind



Dementia Sensory Toy Comfortable Fidget Blanket for 
Anxiety Relief - pretty colors and opens
to a comfortable fidget blanket 


2024 Dementia Sensory Toy for Calming - Anxiety Relief for Hyperactivity

More Fidget Items



Scripture states, "Be anxious for nothing, but
in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made
known to God; and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding, will
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
(Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV).

 is an Affiliate of Walmart. We have a mission to offer resources and gift offerings that may bless, inspire, encourage, and provide refreshing ‘soul care’ to all who visit us. We want to demonstrate God’s compassionate love to those who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s, other dementias, and brain disorders and to those who provide them with love and care.