"Chirpsee and the Wedding Bird Seed Map" by Mary Ann Watkins and Illustrated by Janet Long

Paperback Large Print    Ages: 3 to103    ISBN: 0-944027-02-4
Text and Illustrations Copyright (c) 1993 by New Memories

In loving memory of my mother, Mary Ann Watkins (1929-2007), who wrote this book just a couple of years before her diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia. Mary Ann worked as an elementary music teacher many years, choir director at several churches in the U.S. and overseas, and she was also a business entrepreneur, professional singer, and pianist. She had a beautiful soprano voice that left people amazed and she especially loved to sing love songs to the Lord.  And He rejoiced over her with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17 NIV)

The inspiration for the book came from Mary Ann's wedding event business, called "New Memories," where weddings took place weekly in an historic church.  She would watch out her office window all of the birds eating the bird seed thrown for days after the weddings. The book was originally written to give as a gift for the child attendants in the weddings ceremonies. But with large print and illustrations, it is also great for people with Alzheimer's, other dementias, and brain disorders to enjoy.

My mother always reminded me that God has a very special purpose for each one of us. Chirpsee, the adorable brown bird born with a bent claw, is a great example of no matter what your circumstance is in life, God always has His purpose to make it for His good! Chirpsee had a special purpose for her bent claw that enabled her to deliver a Wedding Bird Seed Map to all of the bird families so they would know where to find plenty to eat.

I am honored to present her book to you, available for sale exclusively here on the Gifts2Bless website.

Chirpsee and the Wedding Bird Seed Map - Large Print