OverviewLongwing Butterfly

We all have a story. We all go through various trials and difficulties during our lifetime and it is through them that God strengthens us, transforms us, and prepares us with a greater burden and humble heart to serve and comfort others. We gain the desire in our soul to sing a new song to Him in a new season. This is how Gifts2Bless.com evolved.


For me, some of my greatest challenges (and opportunities) came through serving people with various needs: through my corporate employment; our church compassion ministry; supporting my husband and sister-in-law during the seven years of caregiving for my father-in-law, who was living with Alzheimer's disease; followed by caregiving eight years (as primary caregiver) for my mother who was living with Alzheimer’s disease; in addition to caregiving for my husband many years, who suffered with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from trauma experienced in front-line combat, and he was afflicted with several diseases accelerated from exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. 


Experiencing with my loved ones first-hand their pain and frustration both physical and mental struggles that came with their diseases, left me feeling so helpless, lonely, and extremely sad at times. I longed for ways to comfort them more. For my mother with her cognitive decline, in desperation I cried out to God for His help and guidance in ways to communicate with her and see her experience His joya joy that surpasses all understanding and that only He can give.

Through these experiences and much grief from the loss of so many loved ones, came learning & discovery about one's soul. "My soul cried out to love you more from the inside out." You can read more about compassionate love and soul care in our blog posts

Reaching Out 

As many of you are dealing with some of these same or similar issues, we are excited to launch Gifts2Bless.com offering caregiver & family support, blogs on "soul care", latest news, treatments, & research on Alzheimer's and other dementias, plus some specially-selected gifts of companionship, comfort, and play, gifts of remembrance. peace and joy, and gifts of happiness and comfort that may bless your loved ones and inspire the soul!

⚓ Inspire the Soul!  

"God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls" (Hebrews 6:17-19 NLT Emphases added). 

Our Desire  

Lord, we pray that the eyes of our visitors' hearts be enlightened with understanding and filled with Your compassionate love new every morning, as they come to explore the Gifts2Bless site. May You give them Your peace that surpasses understanding and Your comfort at all times and in every way. Lord, thank You that You sent Your Word to heal and deliver them. It is done! In Your Precious Name, we pray. Amen and amen.

"Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered;" (Psalm 68:1 NKJV).

"Whoever has ears, let them hear.” 
(Matthew 13:9 NIV)
Aramaic word: "Ephphatha!" meaning "Be opened!"

"My soul is laid low in the dust. Revive me according to your word!" (Psalm 119:25 WEB) Emphasis on the Hebrew word "Chaya!"

Do you have a story to share with us? Do you have some thoughts to share on how we might improve our site in order to provide a better experience?  We welcome hearing from you. 

With kindest regards,

Handwritten signature

Chaplain Denita
Gifts2Bless LLC
Version 3.1


The Bible tells us about our calling to bless others,
"Finally, all of you be like-minded, compassionate,
loving as brothers, tenderhearted, courteous...blessing,
knowing that you were called to this, that you may
inherit a blessing" (1 Peter 3:8-9 WEB).
